Reply to post: Re: If you wish to be a capitalist, you have to abide to capitalism rules

Elon Musk's cost-cutting campaign at Twitter extended to not paying rent, claims landlord

MachDiamond Silver badge

Re: If you wish to be a capitalist, you have to abide to capitalism rules

"I thought Trump set up a company for each project and engineered it so the company went bankrupt leaving its suppliers unpaid,"

A bunch of "Trump" business went bankrupt after Mr Trump had sold them. The businesses retained the Trump name but were no longer affiliated with him. I know that in at least one case there was a court decision that allowed the buyer to continue trading under the Trump name. It was something like Trump Plaza or some such name and not just "Trump". The judge decided that the name was part of the sale.

Lots of developers set their enterprises up as stand-alone entities so they can seek bankruptcy protection without taking down other profitable businesses. Mr Trump is a bit too full of himself to need to put his name on everything which makes people notice more. That I can't recall anybody else with a similar record off the top of my head sort of makes the point. I'm sure tomorrow I'll remember a couple.

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