Reply to post: Another €0,02 to the discussion

Should open source sniff the geopolitical wind and ban itself in China and Russia?

heyrick Silver badge

Another €0,02 to the discussion

Knife manufacturers aren't responsible for stabbings.

Gun manufacturers aren't responsible for shootings.

Car manufacturers aren't responsible for hit and runs.

These companies make "stuff", sell it, and anticipate that people will use "stuff" in a responsible manner. The overwhelming majority do, but you're always going to get that one twat that thinks it's okay to use a vehicle as a moving projectile. This is the fault of them, not the car or the manufacturer.

Why should software be any different? Most people will use Linux or Windows (talking about FOSS is just obfuscation) for useful purposes. And once in a while, somebody will use it for malicious purposes. It's on them, not all those involved in making the software.

Unless somebody uploads "improved guidance system for missiles" (or whatever) onto GitHub, the best approach is to not get involved with the politics, and accept that once you release something to the world, there are the odd few who won't respect the licence and won't use the code for good. But, we come full circle and can say the exact same thing about closed source products.

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