Reply to post: Requirements analysis?

Management of UK govt's £158b property estate held back by failed IT project

Eclectic Man Silver badge

Requirements analysis?

The statement "In 2020, the Cabinet Office shifted from collecting data on the civil estate, such as offices and warehouses, to collecting data on all government property, including for example, hospitals and schools. However, the existing government property database, the seventeen-year-old ePIMS system, is unable to accommodate this additional data" suggests to me that their requirements analysis was inadequate, or, possibly completely lacking.

I suppose I should be happy that at least they are doing due diligence on alternative IT suppliers, after the first one failed, but this does look a bit like a minister having a 'good idea' about combining all of the management and data for the whole of HMG's buildings under one management to 'save money' without having thought it through.

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