Reply to post: Re: subject for investigation

Financial authorities fine UK bank nearly $60m for platform migration disaster

Eclectic Man Silver badge

Re: subject for investigation

I have lamented in the past that the comments on the Register's articles are unlikely to be mandated reading for MBA students (and certainly not for those 'studying' Philosophy, Politics and Economics at the UK's 'top' universities) who want to rule the world. I can only remember one of the many things a colleague used to say: "if only they'd spoken to the people doing the job this would never have happened".

The UK economists are worried about so many people having left the workforce in the last few years and want us 'economically inactive"* people back working. Well, a first step would be demonstrably competent management who are more interested in doing their jobs than climbing the management ladder a the expense of everyone else.

*Question: If, as a retired person I am "economically inactive", why do I still have to pay for things?

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