Reply to post: Re: Investorts are the answer to your question of course

VMware adds subscription version of basic vSphere for server consolidation

Jou (Mxyzptlk) Silver badge

Re: Investorts are the answer to your question of course

I don't know anyone who actually really used that free Hyper-V only server. All of them switched to a normal core or GUI installation quite fast. Simple reason: To manage that free Hyper-V thing you either have it joined your AD and manage it from another server, or you have to use a huge amount of ugly hacks to manage and use it. And if you already have an AD, you already have a license. And even if you don't, cause you run in "endless please activate me" mode at home, you don't want to waste your time with that one.

Hyper-V itself is far from joining Dodo.

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