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Amazon, Games Workshop announce Warhammer 40k film deal

Binraider Silver badge

Amazon has occasionally paid for the odd good thing. Throw enough at the wall, I believe the saying goes.

GW are one of the most zealously protective outfits of their IP I know of; so much so they’ve even started issuing cease and desists to home brew authors - you know, the very life blood of war gaming. I would be surprised with lawyers that aggressive (arguably worse than Apple or MS) that this project will get off the ground.

As one of the original GW designers commented; one of the problems now is the universe is so fleshed out there is actually rather little one can do in the scope of the big story and ‘top’ characters. And the day to day life of a commander will have battle of endor syndrome (for those that know free space 2 modding…)- the actions of most individuals will have no bearing on the big picture.

There’s only one way to view this. Cynically. That way I won’t be disappointed if they mess up; and might even be surprised if they get it right.

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