Reply to post: Re: The Terahertz X-ray app

European telco body looks into terahertz for future 6G comms


Re: The Terahertz X-ray app

THz have a problem going through water, so it will be mostly naked skin that is seen, since synthetic or natural fibre clothes and hair are nearly fully transparent to RF at those frequencies (unless wet, then it would be opaque). I can see a new line of fashion, either carbon (atomic number 6), or aluminium (atomic number 13) fibres embedded into underwear. But no tin(atomic number 50), it is far too high up on the periodic table, way too heavy for clothing! Can't use Magnesium (atomic number 12) either, for the obvious reason. Any RF shielding could be problematic if flying though, security would ask you to strip for your scan.

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