Reply to post: Re: word of advice for Qualcomm

Qualcomm talks up RISC-V, roasts 'legacy architecture' amid war with Arm

Justthefacts Silver badge

Re: word of advice for Qualcomm

Exactly this. As former chip-design upper-middle-management in the Q, this is exactly the solution I would be pursuing with my senior veep, to be embedded into Snapdragon. And now is the perfect technological time to do it. Custom “RISCV” instructions would be “something AI”, maybe a layer of CNN, but with some “special Qualcomm sauce”.

The benefit is that such an instruction doesn’t need to be fully publically defined like an adder, instead just spec what the target outcome is, e.g. interrupt on trigger-phrase, object-detect-in-image, or photo-enhance. Hard to copy, easy to argue that anyone else’s version is both a poor substitute *and* an infringement on Q IP. And bingo, you now have an app ecosystem that only the “premium” 70% of smartphone manufacturers that buy Snapdragon anyway can support.

Welcome to the future that the open-source evangelists built.

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