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Apple preps for 'third-party iOS app stores' in Europe

doublelayer Silver badge

"weakening the ecosystem safeguards to allow non-curated apps onto iPhones provides many new and interesting exploit vectors for miscreants to discover."

No, it doesn't. You don't need Apple's permission to load code you right onto your phone. That's all you need to search for and discover exploits. An alternate method of installation doesn't let you run anything that you couldn't before; it lets others more easily install something you wrote. This won't generate new exploits, but it would allow someone to try releasing their exploit-laden app outside Apple's review systems. Of course, if it's a working exploit, that app would get through the review anyway, and Apple would still have to fix their OS, not their app installation method, to deal with it. The security systems in place that sandbox apps would not have to be weakened and exploits would not be any easier to find with this method in place.

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