Reply to post: Re: Tips?

Washington DC drags Amazon to court for 'yoinking' driver tips

doublelayer Silver badge

Re: Tips?

As far as I can tell, the tipping system works as follows: someone decides to hire people but pay well below what they otherwise should, and they label this with a tip box on the interface that people correctly translate to "You wouldn't want the person doing the work here to be paid almost nothing, but unless you give money here, they will". Then that box never moves, even when things change such as wages increasing or the company deciding it will make the part they pay dependent on how much tip there is. In the end, the user has no clue how much the person will get paid if they don't tip.

On a side note, I ordered some electronic components from a small site about three years ago. After selecting my components and paying for rather expensive shipping given this was before the COVID-snarled transportation times, I was brought to a page asking if I wanted to tip. I don't know who would have been paid if I selected to do so. I wonder how much free money they got by putting that option into their otherwise completely standard online checkout process.

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