Reply to post: Re: In memoriam, Michael Crichton

Neuralink reportedly under investigation by Uncle Sam for 'animal welfare violations'


Re: In memoriam, Michael Crichton

"Killing test animals by rushing the procedures to get results faster? That isn't doing science, it isn't doing engineering, it is just doing capitalism."

It's not even capitalism, Vladimir Demikhov famously left hordes of dogs disabled and dead because he wanted to generate impressive results for his communist masters. Even that pales when compared to the King of Soviet junk science: Trofim Lysenko, who's fraudulent work led to millions dying in famine (not just in the USSR, in the PRC too), legitimate scientists being locked up and killed (Nikolai Vavilov would likely have been the East's Norman Bourlaug) because they disagreed with the party line and the entire field of genetics (a bourgeois concept, according to Lysenko, because it suggested that individuals could be born with advantages which couldn't be developed through hard work) entirely dead in the USSR.

It makes the whole Scopes trial look like a boring triviality.

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