Reply to post: Re: ChatGPT appears to getting glowing reviews

Stack Overflow bans ChatGPT as 'substantially harmful' for coding issues

Rob Fisher

Re: ChatGPT appears to getting glowing reviews

I've been experimenting for a few days. It's good at some things and bad at others, so what we're seeing is people learning about that. There's also a knack to getting it to do what you want. As has been mentioned before, one approach is to discuss the setup and concepts with it first rather than launch into the question.

One thing I am working with is customer support request data. It's quite good at reading comprehension so if you give it text and then ask questions about the text (what problem did this customer have?) it can tell you. There are probably cheaper ways to do this, though.

I also had it talk me through diagnosing an internet connection problem. It suggested rebooting my router when I told it I saw DNS errors in my browser (and gave an explanation of DNS).

If you give it a good explanation of how something works it does seem able to reason. See the article "Building an interpreter for my own programming language in ChatGPT".

It's just a tech demo. The natural language processing is remarkable enough. Tuned versions of this for specific purposes are going to have their uses.

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