Reply to post: Re: So they finally understood the Horten Ho 229

US Air Force reveals B-21 Raider stealth bomber that'll fly the unfriendly skies

Geez Money

Re: So they finally understood the Horten Ho 229

Ok so the unpowered empty one they yeeted into a crash didn't technically kill the pilot. It also isn't a plane if we're apparently being smartasses now. The V2 killed its pilot and we know the V3 would do the same if anyone attempted to fly it. Spare me the both sides routine.

Also the charcoal was literally alleged to be RAM, care to guess what the RA stand for?

And yes, the Hortens started talking about stealth and other utter bs to try to get into Operation Paperclip, not before. That's correct but fairly irrelevant tbh. Why are we fishing for irrelevant positive things to say about Nazis? Oh right, I'm dealing with a good people both sides type.

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