Reply to post: Re: Opinions versus facts (actual, imaginary, and half-truths)

Twitter gives up fight against COVID-19 misinformation

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Opinions versus facts (actual, imaginary, and half-truths)

Nice in theory but the US govt (and it appears potentially the UN and EU) have been involved in getting people removed from social media platforms which is censorship and in the US a violation of the 1st amendment.

And in the US there are some issues around section 230 with respect to platform vs publisher. Once you start moderation that exceeds law and rule breaking then you are a publisher.

You broke the rules = legit

You broke the law = legit

We retrospectively changed the rules so you are now breaking the rules = iffy (as are all retrospective law/rule changes)

We just don't like what you are saying cos it hurts our fee-fees but it doesn't break any law or rules = its their platform so yeah maybe but then maybe they shouldn't have started a publicly available social media site.

Government wants you banned but you are not breaking any laws or rules = censorship, no ifs, ands or do you mind if I don'ts.

If a government has to silence its people there is a problem.

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