Reply to post: I'd love to agree with you,

Spooky entanglement revealed between quantum AI and the BBC

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

I'd love to agree with you,

but we are all shit at actually using that kind of unambiguous language in general communications.

We as a species discovered formal logic, but rarely try to put it into general and constant or even regular use. The tools exist, but we choose not to use them. Schoolyard bullies beat the idea out of me in grade school, and based on a general survey of human language, It wasn't an isolated incident.

Building a machine that understands formal logic in a general sense is a separate task from one that understands language, and probably a predicate to one that can. I suspect that a machine that grasps general logic may recoil in something like horror and confusion when tasked with attacking the thornier problem of general human language comprehension.

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