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Someone has to say it: Voice assistants are not doing it for big tech

Michael Habel

The only use, and or money spinner for my Alexa, outside of the live Weather App, which if I recall was a 6€ subscription. has been mostly in home automation products. the only time I "talk" to my Alexa is to tell her to "Hit the Light", or to eventually "Kill them". If Bozos, can spin a dime from that, more power to him. As for Shopping on Amazon, something I do far to regularly I may add, but with niche brick & mortar stores, going by the wayside, looking at you Conrad Electronics. I'm not about to waste time on Chinese tat Bizarres such as Aliexpress, or shudder Fleabay. At least Scamazon have a decent return policy in place. That said, having a PC / Phablet to hand, it just hasn't simply occurred to me to buy stuff from my Echo, and will probably continue to be that way.

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