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European Parliament Putin things back together after cyber attack

Jellied Eel Silver badge

Iran has stated officially that they have provided drones and other armament to Russia.

And? Are you still convinced that Russia can produce Kh-47M2 Daggers, but can't figure out how to put wings and a warhead on a lawnmower engine?

Made you look stupid and uninformed in Russian warcrimes.

I guess most of the people with the angry thumbs support warcrimes. Ukraine does, after all it showed them executing PoWs and praising their 'heroes'. Free clue. Prisoners surrendering and laying face down are PoWs. Prisoners then developing bullet holes, in the same position still makes them PoWs, just dead ones. It's somewhat depressing that 'we' attempt to defend those executions. But then we also defend Ukraine shelling an NPP, or Ukraine killing Polish civilians. Vlod the Inhaler still doesn't seem to have accepted that was a Ukrainian missile, but not apologising for dead Poles is traditional for Ukraine. It did execute a lot of them during WW2 after all.

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