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NASA's Artemis mission finally launches after faulty Ethernet switch delayed countdown

MachDiamond Silver badge

"BUT after fifty years is this really where we want to be, or the best we can do?"

Perhaps. Until there is nuclear propulsion, we may be a the pinnacle of chemical propulsion. We can make lighter/stronger metal alloys. The difference in computing power per gram is off the charts and we have a better understanding of human health in zero G environments. Ever see all of the bizarre tests they did to astronauts? They have since found that a lot of that is unnecessary. We've made some "hole in ones" on Mars due to improved navigation techniques and hardware.

From a vehicle standpoint, there isn't a lot more TO do. It's going to be more about getting equipment on Luna and setting up some habitats and labs. I'd really like to see some exploration rovers that can do down some of the caves they've spotted to see if that might be a good bootstrap for a protected habitat. Domes on the surface doesn't seem that secure. Doing useful things on the moon is the next step even if it means we have to pile into VW Microbus to get there.

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