Reply to post: Re: You get what you order

Go ahead, be rude. You don't know it now, but it will cost you $350,000


Re: You get what you order

Used to be rated as a 1:10 ratio. You gain 1 customer per satisfied customer and you lose 10 customer for 1 unsatisfied customers.

Sure, it was an estimate, but the principle was: If one person has a good experience, they might tell their friends and family and possibly give a good review, which might result in another new customer for the business.

But one customer has a bad experience: They will tell people: Friends, family, co-workers, social media: They'll be vocal. And they will give a bad review, and may exaggerate just how bad, and that will cause people to be weary and may decide to go elsewhere instead.

That's why keeping your customers happy is important, but you have to be careful of those who might decide to extort a bit of 'good will': That's when it's cheaper to ditch that customer, and lose 10 more, rather than pay out thousands to possibly make a few hundred in return.

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