Reply to post: Re: Login fatigue

Multi-factor auth fatigue is real – and it's why you may be in the headlines next

anothercynic Silver badge

Re: Login fatigue

Problem with SSO is that some SSO systems are so badly implemented... There's a plethora of protocols that offer SSO (SAML, OpenID Connect, etc), and when 'new' protocols are invented they all turn out to be just as crap just with a pretty little interface that's slightly different to the others.

Also, given things like 'Sign in with <vendor X>' are proliferating (particularly on social media), and those accounts end up being compromised, SSO is not the panacea that everyone thinks it is.

I have worked in the SSO space for 9 years, and quite frankly, while it makes things easier in the sense that you can easily log into the appropriate 'thing', I'll stick to my password vault because *that one* *I* control... no-one else. Should I choose to leave any of the social networks (or move my mail somewhere else, or... or... or...), I don't have to re-jigger everything not to use those accounts anymore.

Case in point is the current Muskapocalypse where thousands of Twitter staff suddenly find that their Google mail (where Twitter hosts mail) is locked out, and everything else they use too. While the warning not to use company accounts for stuff should be a standard one, it's come too late for some of these...

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