Reply to post: Re: Mozilla not even mentioned?

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VoiceOfTruth Silver badge

Re: Mozilla not even mentioned?

-> what type of people downvote any criticism of Mozilla

I have seen this on The Reg comments. When I pointed out a bug (an actual bug, not a "could be better" type comment) in Thunderbird it garnered thumbs down.

I really had some hopes for Mozilla a long time ago. But I used it and saw it, the high memory usage (less of a problem today but a few years ago it was important) and the "solutions" listed on the Mozilla web site. These "solutions" are still there now: 1. Update to the latest version. 2. Restart Firefox. 3. Restart your computer. 4. etc. If those solutions didn't work 5 years ago, why are they still listed?

The "let's take a complete detour from making a web browser and build an operating system called Firefox OS" turn on the road. Hmmm. Didn't work out, took away developer resources from their key product.

It's a pity. I don't regard Firefox as a great FOSS example. It could have been.

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