Reply to post: Re: Good long life and a lasting legacy

RIP: Kathleen Booth, the inventor of assembly language

Andy Non Silver badge

Re: Good long life and a lasting legacy

"learn some assembly, it is good for the mental muscles"

It is indeed. I cut my teeth writing assembly for the 6502 processor (Commodore 64), sophisticated code that took full control of the computer, handled the interrupts and banked out the operating system ROM giving me full access to the 64k RAM. I wrote software in assembly that rewrote other people's BASIC programs, doing things like updating all the line numbers to go up in tens, and compressed the code to run faster and load faster from cassette tape. Very unforgiving code though - I made a button to ground the reset pin on the microprocessor so I could do a soft restart without having to do a cold power off and on again when the machine code crashed during testing. It kept the contents of RAM without wiping it. Exciting times.

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