Reply to post: You have that backwards

Elon Musk jettisons Twitter leadership, says takeover was 'to try to help humanity'

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

You have that backwards

Tweets can reach the entire world, and be repeated and amplified beyond the initial audience. What you say in a Tweet, like in a theater, can have consequences.

Facebook accelerated a literal genocide. Twitter has been used both to co-ordinate pro-deocracy protests and hate crimes. So tweeting "a gunman is shooting up movie theaters" may still reach people in theaters, who may in turn panic in the dark and cause a stampede. Same for swatting, and even dumb stuff like claiming a 2 for one special on PBRs at Walmart.

So a policy where posts that may endanger people are restricted, and Posters that have already violated that policy may be kicked off, not preemptively but after they have already done so (often repeatedly) is actually legal, sane and reasonable.

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