Reply to post: Re: I have a problem..

No, I will not pay the bill. Why? Because we pay you to fix things, not break them

Andy the ex-Brit

Re: I have a problem..

I nearly only give 10s at work now. If I give an 8 or 9, you messed up.

This after working under a survey system at the same job, where my [2nd worst ever] supervisor decided that anything less than a 7 "exceeded expectations" meant a meeting with her and the internal customer to determine what had gone wrong. I had several of those, and she didn't get the hint even when the customer was there with her saying "why are we having this meeting? I marked "met expectations."

We were also expected by her to improve our average survey results by x% each year, pretty tough when a 4-6 was "met expectations" and my average was about 8.5 . So yeah, f that, nothing but 10s for my colleagues.

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