Reply to post: Re: But is this unit not superfluous?

New measurement alert: Liz Truss inspires new Register standard

Norman Nescio Silver badge

Re: But is this unit not superfluous?

1 Truss = 44 x 24 = 1056 hours

Therefore 1 Millitruss = about 1 hour

Therefore 1 Truss = 1 Kilohour

Or am I just getting my metric and imperial measures hopelessly confused here?

This is a site with a high concentration of IT nerds (I am one, I recognize those of my ilk), so for greater accuracy, one Truss is just over a Mibihour (1024 hours); or precisely 210 hours + 25 hours, or 32(32+1) hours.

For Imperial, one Truss is exactly 7⅓ gross hours

I'll get my coat with the pocket protector.


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