Reply to post: Re: Judge on results, not appearances

CEO told to die in a car crash after firing engineers who had two full-time jobs

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Judge on results, not appearances

"I'm also not convinced you can give your best if you have mixed loyalties."

I'm convinced you are the boss in the woodpile. Any employee should be exactly as loyal to his comoany as his company is to him. We no longer live in a time where you can take a job sweeping a dock at 16 and be comoany President by 66, we now live in a time where you are an interchangeable nameless cog in a machine with zero hope of progressing beyond lower management unless you knew the right people from school. And if you knew the right people, you start as a director or VP. No, my loyalty to my company is for sale to the highest bidder, and my current company must buy my loyalty twice a month. If someone else comes along willing to pay a rate high enough to leave my comfort zone, down the road I go.

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