Reply to post: I block based on keywords

YouTube loves recommending conservative vids regardless of your beliefs


I block based on keywords

I have a nice browser extension that lets me block YT clips based on title keywords. It can do RegEx too. (BlockTube)

Thus I never see clips with words such as { insane, sick, unboxing, cat, dog, kitten, puppy, awesome, crazy} etc in there titles.

Works well but what I really want is a filter to remove clips with people wearing baseball caps* back to front - I would then be spared an even greater deal of dumbness. I know I don't have to click on these clips of course but just seeing people like this makes me grrrrr.

* Where do they buy those hats anyway? I can only see the normal facing ones when I looked on Amazon. ( I wanted to see what else people who bought these bought)

I know that this extension can see what I'm looking at but that ship sailed long ago and I don't care.

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