Reply to post: Oh come on Brookings is Left and the University is Left...

YouTube loves recommending conservative vids regardless of your beliefs


Oh come on Brookings is Left and the University is Left...

So everything to them looks Right even if it were dead center.

And for God's sake quit calling the Religious Right Conservative or Right. They are lunatics, religious Zealots practising a Middle Eastern Religion like the Taliban just drove to town in their Trump Hummers. Ronald Reagan and Maggie Thacker were real Conservatives. Reagan said the Religious Right would destroy the republican Party. In Britain, the Tories went warmonger following the Religious Right into the Middle East Abyss.

In the 1970s there was a book published in the US called "The late great Planet Earth" It was written by a crackpot named. Hal Lindsey. It laid down the pathway for premillennial religious quackery... the Idea being that a great war would be fought in the Middle East... Russia was MAGOG and the leader of MAGOG was GOG. Hal Lindsey implied that if the Religious Right stepped it up a bit they could hasten the "END TIMES" ... of course, all the GOOD Christians would miss out on this War and TRIBULATION. They would be flown to Heaving or some holding tank leaving all the non-believers to be at war... and Jesus would come back as SEAL TEAM 6 JYSUYS and would kill everything in sight and his weapon would be his voice.

There were some misfires... Some thought MAGOG and GOG were Saddam Hussain. And Hal got the end of the world wrong as did his disciple Pat Robertson.

This isn't a religion it is just warmongering on a colossal scale. And who was Trump... the anointed one. They thought Trump was the resurrection of King Cyrus and would come to build the Third Temple on the Mount. After all, Trump said he was a builder. What's the difference... Temple or Casinos, both make money... UNLESS YOU ARE TRUMP.

This is Murica with nukes. Estimates are Bush killed 2 million Middle Easterners. Just want to puke when you look at what the USA has become. And there is Britain, like some junior punk greaser in training following the hood to the bridge for some smokes [can't use the British term anymore F^**s.] This is not the Republican or Tory party of the past. This is an insane asylum. The Republican Party was always pro-choice for women, always for free trade, anti-union, separation of Church and state, and anti-slavery, low taxes, small gov. balanced budgets and no debt. The modern Republican party has its roots in the George Wallace pro-segregation party. Republicans are anything but the Party of Lincoln. They are the Evangelical Nutjob party. Dems have become the WOKE party of weirdness. Transgenderism, affirmative action, Diversity regulation, class warfare, handouts, eviction moratoriums [trump started that gem]. Both parties soaring debt and NEOCON WARMONGERING.

So when you look left or look right you just want to puke. COVID is not the pandemic... Insanity is the Pandemic.

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