Reply to post: Re: motors from two French automakers

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MachDiamond Silver badge

Re: motors from two French automakers

"Hard to believe that any of those brands would be such desirable targets"

Any working car has value so an easy target might be preferable. Even a non-working car can be useful broken down into parts. Just the price of an airbag or catalytic converter can be a nice day's pay. Cheaper cars are also lower on the RADAR. If you drive a high end car into a low end neighborhood, it would get noticed. So would the same thing being brought into one of the seedier industrial estates where the door is opened, the car pulled in and the door quickly shut. If the car were some low-spec commuter vehicle, it might not arouse any suspicion. Many of the less expensive cars are worth good money for the parts as they can be thick on the ground.

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