Reply to post: Re: This should make people happy

Too bad, contractors: UK government reverses decision to axe IR35 tax reform

Graham Cobb Silver badge

Re: This should make people happy

You say that yet we are now expected to have a deeper recession after the U-turns. A pro growth policy is not a bad thing and is needed to work off the debt. Not presenting how the tax cuts would be funded and the U-turns were the problem.

The world is having a deeper recession. I don't blame Truss for that (Putin's behaviour driving massive energy price increases is the largest factor, but there are many other global causes as well). But I do blame her for not recognising it, not dealing with it, and going ahead with the most obviously stupid, inappropriate and ill-timed policies.

Unfunded tax cuts? Rejecting energy company windfall taxes? Government borrowing money to give to rich people? Trickle-down economics at a time of global economic crisis? The sooner the election comes the better - even Labour won't be quite this stupid.

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