Reply to post: Re: Wierd collection of unrelated statistics

People still seem to think their fancy cars are fully self-driving

Flocke Kroes Silver badge

Re: Wierd collection of unrelated statistics

Tesla's advertising works differently to traditional car manufacturers. Elon writes tweets. Very quotable short tweets about how great full self driving will be real soon now. Those tweets get walked back in longer vaguer less quotable statements. People are good at hearing what they want to hear and the advertising standards authority does not regulate Twitter. After another disaster Elon's lawyers can repeat "Twitter is a home to invective and hyperbole. No reasonable person would consider Mr Musk's Tweets as a source of factual information." Regrettably the internet is not populated entirely with reasonable people.

Sometimes the statistics you want are not easily available, like accident rates per million miles on roads where Tesla's advanced driving assistance features can be activated. Comparing Accident rates with assistance activated to unassisted accident rates on all roads (including the difficult ones) gives a really false impression that has been amplified by social media.

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