Reply to post: Re: Who are their lawyers?

Rather than take the L, Amazon sues state that dared criticize warehouse safety


Re: Who are their lawyers?

Not an entirely valid but not entirely invalid point. I worked in local government for quite some time and have even written local ordinances. Sometimes policy is written intentionally vague, but not for nefarious reasons but for practicality. It shouldn't be surprising that enumerating every possible situation would not only be a huge waste of time but it would also be easier loopholes for the laws to be abused. Despite the common trope, there are vagaries written into laws all the time, lawyers and courts work with them all the time as well.

In fact, the suit described in this article is exactly how the author of the law would have expected the vague definitions to be challenged or defined. There is the argument that it then tilts the definitions in favour of those who have the money to challenge the law, but that is also the imperfect system we have in the US.

It is a bit like the paraphrase, "I cannot define pornography but I know it when I see it."

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