Reply to post: Re: "You own, at most, a serial number"

You thought you bought software – all you bought was a lie


Re: "You own, at most, a serial number"

Yes and no Alvar..... if one looks past the dumbfuckery of it's mainstream hype...NFTS are more than a unique hash and key pair of a JPEG...

thats actually more how contempory art is "not" consumed as well funny enough... while bought for investments and by private colectors it hardly ever leaves a bonded store (that's fire safe, has humidity and temoreture controls etc)

The flip side of what nft's are is more for creators, if you create comic art or digital art as a single one off, it can be programaticly encripted ... ie if the piece is sold a percentage goes to the creator...if a copy is made it get's watermarked (sure you could screen grab it but the aspect ratio changes far im not sure if this can be watermarked but can be called out as a copy)

It's a way of taking the DRM from the big licencers and Hopefully giving some control back to the creators..... yes im naïve i know ...

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