Reply to post: Re: switch to an OS OS

You thought you bought software – all you bought was a lie

Liam Proven (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: switch to an OS OS

Sure, absolutely. If you have something that you absolutely cannot do except using one specific app, and that app can't run on anything except one specific OS, run that OS.

Use the right tool for the job.

But the majority of people don't need that one specific tool. They have basic needs which are handled well by any old app that does that task.

It is 2022. Most people can do their basic tasks in "apps" that run in a web browser. Basic office suite? Google Docs, or Collabora, or OnlyOffice. Email? Loads of 'em. Basic sound or image editing? No problem. Chat? Loads of choices. Voice chat? No worries. Video chat? Also fine.

This is a very low bar for functionality.

Which is why hundreds of millions of people use ChromeBooks now, a platform which can *only* run a browser without some skills and specialist knowledge.

The point here is not about special and unique little flowers. :-)

It's that free stuff now does all most people need and a tonne more.

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