Reply to post: Re: Very strange

FBI: We tracked who was printing secret documents to unmask ex-NSA suspect

doublelayer Silver badge

Re: Very strange

If you're doing espionage right, you don't tell your spymasters who you are. After all, if this guy had extracted files in a way that didn't involve printing them on NSA printers and didn't deposit the money directly into his bank account, the FBI wouldn't have known who he was. That's ruined if you give anyone enough information to verify the amount of debt you claim to have.

It feels weird to give advice for how to spy properly, but I'm going to do it anyway. If you're going to do it, you want to be as anonymous as you can be. If you end up talking to law enforcement instead of who you think you are, you don't want to be identified. If the country you're spying for decides that it wants to negotiate with the one you're in, you don't want your identity to be on their list of bargaining chips. If you end up regretting your decision to spy, you don't want the country you were spying for to have blackmail material on you (for example that you were spying). If they can verify the information you give them about how much debt you have, you've failed at this important step.

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