Reply to post: Re: Very strange

FBI: We tracked who was printing secret documents to unmask ex-NSA suspect

Malcolm Weir Silver badge

Re: Very strange

That's Distribution Statement A you listed (approved for public release). There are actually 5 ("A" though "E").

But you're wrong to say if a doc doesn't have Distro A on it, you've committed an felony. What matters is whether the doc is actually cleared for public release, not whether the doc says it is. And an affirmative defense is that you believed the doc was approved, even if it wasn't... although trying to flog the thing to people you think are Russians tends to discredit the notion that you believed it to be released!

In particular, this doc describes the Statements and how to pick the right one and what to say on it. It does not carry it's own Distro A statement.

Astute readers might see some parallels to newsworthy events in Florida related to a disaster called "Donald", not to be confused with the one called "Ian".

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