Reply to post: Re: If you want smart, put an operating system on it

Samsung’s Smart Monitor tries too hard to be clever

Sandtitz Silver badge

Re: If you want smart, put an operating system on it

"Of course, it was basically a monitor with a PC built into it - and it cost more than a similar quality monitor and a similar quality PC."

They're called All-In-One PCs. Most PC vendors sell them. Apple has had iMacs for a long time as well.

Their selling point is just a tidier desktop than with a separate PC+monitor. Less cabling and such. People buying these are not interested or perhaps not even aware that the computer part may be obsolete after some years. Style over substance.

Tying a PC behind a monitor can still be done with various VESA mounts but the PC power button typically ends up behind the large monitor so isn't very accessible so you'll end up with a kludge, like enabling power-on via mouse/keyboard which excludes Bluetooth.

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