Reply to post: Re: Explosives do, what politics did not

Wind, solar fulfill 10% of global electricity demand for first time

MachDiamond Silver badge

Re: Explosives do, what politics did not

"But why do that, when you can just keep the valves shut? "

Propaganda. If they leave the valves shut and people freeze to death, that looks very bad. If there is too much damage to repair the line in a short period of time, somebody external can be blamed and the gas remains off. I'd like to see some verifiable photos/video of the pipes from the location(s). Was the damage from an external source or are the pipes blown out in a way that points to either some sort of defect or a device that was sent down the line and detonated. It's all speculation, conspiracy stories and guesses until there is data. I hope we get some.

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