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OK, Google: Why are you still pointing women at fake abortion clinics?

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

There is nothing "God bothering" about the desire to have children.

My wife was pressured to have a coil fitted. They recommended to not discuss it with me beforehand - so I was informed after the event. (well after - when it came time to say anything about it, my wife realised it was a total betrayal of my trust)

As she was 39, the nett result was that she didn't get to have the 3rd child she wanted, and didn't have the chance to have a daughter. She still talks about it today, 16 years later. (I have to hold my tongue)

If she had discussed it with me I would have pointed out that the clock was ticking, and after two years the chance for another child would be very low (she has miscarriages too) - because I knew what she wanted, and I look out for her happiness.

I have 3 kids anyway, so I'm all good - 2 with her was totally convenient for me, this is only about her hopes.

The doctor was _not_ working for my wife's reproductive rights, nor her happiness or her best interest.

She was grinding an axe, and hiding behind medical confidentiality to do so. She also conspired to snatch away my reproductive rights.

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