Reply to post: Re: God botherers strike again!

Girls Who Code books 'banned' in some US classrooms


Re: God botherers strike again!

In American politics any political movement, action group, or bill that has some kind of "X for liberty", "X for responsible X", "Real X for X", usually anything that defines an in/out group, or uses some kind of nationalistic/patriotic phrases is absolutely that should be scrutinized to the fullest extent. I feel, growing up in the MidWest, that 60% of those groups are usually promoting something the opposite of what their title tries to promote. It is propaganda usually.

Americans tend to be low information voters. Some people vote on topics with only the barest of understanding of the topic. A yard sign for "YES to Prop A" is less likely to work over "True, Bald Eagle Lovin' Americas for tax responsibility. Vote YES on Prop A". People will go to the poll, never read what Proposition A does and vote: "I am true American and against tax waste and therefore Proposition A must be okay..." Nevermind, I have never met someone who was for tax waste or consider themselves psuedo-Americans.

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