Reply to post: Re: Devil....Spoon....and so on......

How CIA betrayed informants with shoddy front websites built for covert comms

vtcodger Silver badge

Re: Devil....Spoon....and so on......

Anything you put on a computer connected to a public communications network is public knowledge?

Yep. Sounds right to me. Even in the unlikely event that you don't screw up somehow in configuring your device(s), whoever you are talking to probably will expose your data. So any information you actually put on the network might as well be stamped on your forehead for all to read. And the network itself and its access tools are surely flawed. Maybe intentionally. So even the stuff you don't put on the network is probably vulnerable if anyone cares to do the work required to access it.

My guess is that the Cloud folks and others who NEED a public network will spend the next few decades deploying increasingly complex and user hostile technologies to "protect" things. Plan A will be replaced by Plan B then Plan C and D and ... , eventually, Plan Z. None of them will really work. Users who can't tolerate external attacks will simply move most (or all if possible) their operation off the public networks. Even private local networks may well be discouraged.

What's Plan Z? Reduce attack surfaces -- dramatically. Externally managed Over The Air updates? Of course not. Scripting of HTML? Mostly gone -- maybe a tiny, well vetted, subset remains. Firmware updates? Hard to see how changing the underlying operation of your hardware can ever be compatible with security.

That's very likely the future. It will not be all that much fun. We are living in the good old days of a internet that is perceived as being secure/securable. Enjoy it while it lasts. Which may not be all that long.

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