Reply to post: Re: but if you prefer something ... more like Office 365

Is it a bird? Is it Microsoft Office? No, it's Onlyoffice: Version 7.2 released


Re: but if you prefer something ... more like Office 365

...documents produced by local councils...

Are we talking "just reading" here, or are we talking "collaborative composition"?

All the documents we work with (in healthcare, government aso) by definition are (required) to be pdf. So those can be as baroque as they like, pdf is pdf. Although I must admit the occasional Word file does pop up of somebody doing a rogue low level action...

As for collaborative composition: yeah, well, that ship already left with WP4 and the introduction of the WYSIWYG GUI right? That's when people seemed to get more concerned (and spent days) on the selection of "the right" font" instead of just producing the text that was their core task to begin with. So I do not think that is an issue connected to the choice/ use of a specific office suite...

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