Reply to post: Re: but if you prefer something ... more like Office 365

Is it a bird? Is it Microsoft Office? No, it's Onlyoffice: Version 7.2 released

Richard 12 Silver badge

Re: but if you prefer something ... more like Office 365

There's a lot of people who have suffered a Microsoft "update/upgrade" suddenly rendering all (or worse, a significant subset) of their important documents unreadable.

There are documents that need to be available and editable a decade or more later.

O365 means MS will update you without any way back, or you will lose it entirely if you stop paying monthly. If you find that you need the version from a decade ago, the answer is No.

Local storage doesn't help if you can't read the file.

The open source alternatives are the backstop. Lose those, and you are very likely to be screwed in a few years.

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