Reply to post: Re: but if you prefer something ... more like Office 365

Is it a bird? Is it Microsoft Office? No, it's Onlyoffice: Version 7.2 released

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: but if you prefer something ... more like Office 365

I'll give this a whirl.

1. Some of us don't want to be under Microsoft's thumb any more than absolutely necessary. Work may dictate that we must use Microsoft's crap office suite while on the clock, but in our own free-time, with our own money, we may not want to have to deal further with Microsoft's garbage.

2. Some of us dislike the way Office works, especially the GUI elements that Microsoft keeps fucking with such as the ribbon or the bothersome dialogs to save a file, to name just a few.

3. Some of us may not appreciate all the neat, new features that Microsoft continually splonks into their software whether we want it or not.

4. Believe it or not, some of us don't LIKE constant change for change's sake in our software.

5. Some of us just may not want to financially support the monopolist Microsoft.

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