Reply to post: Re: Meh!..Meh, Meh

Rust is eating into our systems, and it's a good thing

Vometia has insomnia. Again. Silver badge

Re: Meh!..Meh, Meh

Sophie Wilson seemed to be quite the assembler enthusiast back in the day and certainly made good use of it, so I can see why that would be the case; I think her philosophy for the ARM's design was pretty much a 6502 on steroids. But she moved elsewhere decades ago and I guess the newer models were done by people who were primarily logic and circuit designers rather than enthusiasts.

I never learnt assembler properly. Too skint to afford one in my early teens (shame, the 6809 I had available had a good reputation amongst, erm, assemblerists) and too busy trying to get thrown out of college later on. :|

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