Reply to post: Re: As a farmer/rancher ...

Tesla Megapack battery ignites at substation after less than 6 months

MachDiamond Silver badge

Re: As a farmer/rancher ...

"The first car probably cost a lot more than a carriage and wasn't much good. How'd that work out long term?"

The first cars were status symbols and many were electric. The also had the advantage of being ready to do without needing to hitch up a cart or saddle a horse. Yes, it's doesn't take long to saddle a horse, but I'm a guy and used to be able to swing a saddle over the top of the horse by myself with no problem. Some ladies weren't tall enough or might have been with child so it could be much harder. If they only needed to get in a car to get themselves into town, it would be much faster and simpler. At the time, "town" wouldn't have been that far away.

"Much good" is a very relative term. On many occasions, something that just a little bit better makes a big difference.

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