Reply to post: Still Learning

Rust is eating into our systems, and it's a good thing


Still Learning

I've only recently started learning Rust, coming from a Python, C#, and JavaScript background. I know people are excited to replace C/++ with Rust, but I'm far more excited to see it replace C#. I've spent the better part of half a decade on a C# REST API, and the number of problems that could've been caught at compile time that just aren't is insane. Between garbage collection causing randomised performance, random guard clauses being darted all over the codebase for fear of the null, and a general lack of understanding among less experienced devs around how C# defaults to passing by mutable reference for objects ("Why did my function change that variable? Isn't it copied??"), I wish I could migrate the project to something with clear rules, and a compiler which actually enforces them.

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