Reply to post: I'd love to switch to Firefox, if only...

Mozilla drags Microsoft, Google, Apple for obliterating any form of browser choice

Dave Burton / sealevel info

I'd love to switch to Firefox, if only...

Like every red-blooded, patriotic American, I detest Google/Alphabet. Yet I still use Chrome as my primary browser. The reason is simply that there are some things which Chrome does better than Firefox.

The most important is "text fragment links." They let you "deep link" directly to almost any snippet of text on a web page. It is an extremely useful feature, and Chrome has supported it for over 33 months, but Firefox STILL doesn't support it.

I don't hate Firefox. In addition to Chrome, I also have Opera, Firefox, Vivaldi & a few others installed, and I use them occasionally (e.g., when accessing a social media site under an alternate ID). But Chrome remains my primary web browser.

I would love to switch from Chrome to Firefox as my primary browser... if Firefox were as good as Chrome. Unfortunately, Firefox is not as good, and the Mozilla team seems uninterested in making a serious effort to solve that problem. They've had more than 33 months to implement text fragment links, and they still haven't bothered to do so.

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