Reply to post: Re: Words of truth

The crime against humanity that is the modern OS desktop, and how to kill it

Terry 6 Silver badge

Re: Words of truth

For me it's not about individual aesthetic- it's about individual working pattern. Some people use two or three programmes regularly and don't even need a start menu. It's just a couple of icons on the desktop ( or even type part of the name into a space.)

Some use a range of well known big packages and may well go to a publisher's start menu folder and select the one they need e.g. Microsoft Office/Word

Some of us, though, use a wide range of programmes, mostly each one infrequently, because we don't perform the same tasks week in week out, and maybe use less well known, or just several, programme publishers' offerings. We need a Start menu that can be arranged by function. One week maybe I'm creating training materials and need some graphics software to work with images and add simple text. Another week I might be setting up an assessment pack and need some DTP and WP software. Next month I may be editing a video of some interactions and need editing s/w. And for each of these or many other activities some software is better than others for some aspects. Like Irfanview for selecting and cropping a photo. Photoshop Elements for editing an image/creating a composite or to make a new image or image component. And so on. And an alphabetic list of unhelpfully named programmes mixed with unhelpfully named publishers folders is a nightmare when I'm trying to find the programme that I'd last used six months ago to perform a specific function.

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