Reply to post: AGI

One man's battle to get patent rights for AI inventors in America may be over



I see that a lot of people believe "AI belongs to us". Maybe I am mistaken but weren't the experts afraid that AI might take over in the future.

AGI is a little bit scary, but if we get there then those systems will learn faster than any human collective can do.

Another argument used above: AI needs input from humans. Where would the humans be if they did not get input from other humans (this starts before you are born).

AI needs input as well, this will be given by humans for the time being but books (paper or digital) and other sources of information (the key word here, one other example of information is the Internet) are already and will only be more available.

If the AGI experts are right once we get to AGI systems most progress will be made by AI systems, not humans. It will be made by using all the information the system(s) has, whether this information comes from humans, books, other AI systems, sheep or anything else.

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